Beginner Strength Program

Beginner Strength Program

The beginner strength program is the perfect starting point for men and women who are looking to master the weight room for the very first time with a plan.

Program Focus: Introduction to strength training
Program Length: 3 days per week / 4 weeks

This is the perfect program for those who go to the gym without a plan. The beginner strength program will have you committed to the gym 3x per week and enjoying every minute of it. You will maximize compound movements and notice rapid changes in total strength while becoming proficient in functional movements. We recommend this program for lifters who have less than 1-year experience and are tired of being dependant on fitness machines.

Learning how to maximize your results in the weight room is a process. It takes time, a specific level of commitment, and the proper guidance along the way. There is so much to pick from, it can certainly be overwhelming. The beginner strength program outlines every step of the way. It teaches you how to prioritize your lifts, it teaches you how to manage your time, and it keeps you injury-free. If you are in the early phases of strength training, you will need direction on how to plan your workouts out. Showing up the gym is a start. Knowing how to progress from workout to workout is another. The beginner workout program is how you will learn to master the weight room. If you want to avoid the biggest exercise and fitness problem, the plateau, then you want this program.


Alfredo Angione

Alfredo Angione

Welcome to a healthier you! Have a question about nutrition & fitness? I'm here to help! Send a message and let’s start your journey toward your goals today

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Alfredo Angione
Hi, this is Alfredo Angione, Registered Dietitian.
Thanks for reaching out! I’m here to help you achieve your health and fitness goals through personalized nutrition and expert guidance.

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